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    Updated: Snap UK general election: what will it mean for vaping?

    Ali Anderson
    Ali Anderson
    May 22, 2024
    3 min read
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    The snap general election in the UK could ring the death knell for the Tobacco and Vapes Bill if it isn’t passed as law before parliament is dissolved. 

    British prime minister Rishi Sunak today called a general election for July 4 after hailing a drop in inflation as the start of “better days ahead.” Previously, the public poll was expected to take place towards the end of the year. 

    ‘A race against time’

    An early general election means Sunak will be in a race against time to pass the Tobacco and Vapes Bill before Parliament is dissolved - or face it being dead in the water. 

    The bill passed its first major parliamentary stage in April, despite fierce opposition from Sunak’s own Conservative MPs. 

    It still has to go through several more steps before it becomes law, such as being passed by the House of Lords. The length of time for a bill to go through the Lords varies as each bill is treated as an individual case.

    However, political commentators say the Lords stage could be by-passed if the government is determined to pass the Tobacco and Vapes Bill in time. 

    What happens if the bill hasn’t become law before an election? 

    Any bill that hasn’t received Royal Assent (approval from the King) by the end of a parliamentary session fails. In some circumstances, outstanding bills can be carried over into the next parliamentary session. These are referred to as ‘carry-over’ bills.

    However, UK law states that bills cannot be carried over after a general election. This reflects the constitutional principle that one parliament cannot bind its successor. 

    Opinion polls ahead of the election (which had previously been expected to happen this Autumn) consistently show a commanding lead for the opposition Labour party. The party, led by Keir Starmer, has retained a double-digit lead over the Conservatives.

    What does the Tobacco and Vapes Bill propose?

    The Tobacco and Vapes Bill would ensure that anyone born after 1 January 2009 is banned from ever buying cigarettes. It also aims to crack down on the sale of vapes, despite them being an effective aid to quit smoking.

    Under the proposed law, each year the legal age for cigarette sales - currently 18 - will increase by one year. It will not affect those who are allowed to buy cigarettes now.

    If passed, the bill will be among the toughest anti-smoking measures in the world.

    What the bill would mean for vapes

    The legislation includes restrictions on the display, contents, flavours and packaging of vapes and other nicotine alternatives. There would be £100 on-the-spot fines for retailers found to be selling tobacco and vapes to underage people. 

    The proceeds would be used to reinvest in enforcement of the law, on top of £2,500 fines that courts can already impose. The government says it plans to spend £30 million on enforcement, to include tackling the availability of cigarettes on the black market.

    The rules would apply in all duty free shops in the UK, but anyone buying cigarettes abroad would be able to bring them back to the UK as long as they were legally acquired elsewhere. 

    There are also plans to ban disposable vapes in England from April 2025 and to introduce a new tax on vaping from October 2026.

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