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    Brits baffled by vaping laws, study finds

    Ali Anderson
    Ali Anderson
    July 30, 2024
    3 min read
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    The UK government is set to shake up the laws on vaping with the revival of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill. 

    However, the majority of Brits (70 per cent) say they don’t even confidently understand the current vaping laws, a new study has revealed. 

    The research by online retailer Haypp shows that people in the cities of Cardiff and Bristol have the lowest knowledge of vaping rules (with just 15 per cent saying they understand them). 

    Even in the most savvy city, Birmingham, only 44 per cent of people say they are clued up.

    The proposed Tobacco and Vapes bill progressively increases the age at which people can buy tobacco so that future generations will never legally be able to do so. 

    The bill also includes new powers for UK Ministers to regulate the flavour, packaging and display of safer nicotine products like vapes or nicotine pouches. 

    Almost half of vapers don’t understand the rules

    The complicated changes to the law looks set to stump many UK adults, including the people it will directly affect - vapers. The new data shows that 46 per cent of people who vape in the UK do not understand the vaping laws already in place.

    The research reveals a clear need for more awareness both of vaping rules, and nicotine alternatives to smoking. More than half of vapers asked (60 per cent) said there should be more education on legal replacement products, such as nicotine pouches.

    An understanding of vaping laws was found to be generally low across the UK, but cities with the lowest knowledge of current legislation are:

    1. Bristol - 15%
    2. Cardiff - 15%
    3. Edinburgh 17%
    4. Sheffield 20%
    5. Glasgow 22%
    6. Liverpool 24%
    7. Belfast - 29%
    8. London 30%
    9. Norwich 31%
    10. Newcastle 32%

    What do Brits need to know about vaping laws?

    It is legal to vape in the UK, but there are restrictions on where you can do so. 

    Public places such as restaurants, bars, and public transport, are required to have designated smoking areas, which often also apply to vaping. It is also illegal to vape in certain enclosed spaces, such as workplaces and on public transport.

    There are additional laws in place that regulate the sale and marketing of vaping products. It is illegal to sell vaping products to anyone under the age of 18.

    The maximum nicotine strength currently available is 20mg/ml (two per cent) and e-liquid bottles must be no bigger than 10ml. 

    Rules set to change

    However, the rules are set to get much tighter. Earlier this month, the new Labour government revived plans to phase out smoking and impose restrictions on vapes.

    The move was introduced by the last Conservative government but was shelved after the general election was called.

    The new bill paves the way for reforms to vaping sales and their branding to reduce their appeal to children and young people.

    Flavours other than menthol and tobacco are likely to be banned and there will be restrictions on the packaging and display of vapes and other nicotine products.

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