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    UK agrees world’s toughest smoking ban

    Ali Anderson
    Ali Anderson
    June 5, 2024
    4 min read
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    MPs in the UK have backed a plan to ban anyone born after 2009 from ever buying cigarettes, effectively ensuring it will become law. 

    The measures, championed by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, survived despite fierce opposition from several leading MPs from his own Conservative party.

    The new Tobacco and Vapes Bill passed its first major parliamentary stage by 383 votes to 67. If it becomes law, it will be among the toughest anti-smoking measures in the world. 

    The Bill is thought to be inspired by a similar law in New Zealand, which was later reversed after a change in government.

    Speaking in the House of Commons, Ms Atkins said the plan would create a "smoke-free generation". However, several Tory MPs, including former prime minister Liz Truss, voted against the Bill, arguing it would limit personal freedom. Truss warned MPs during Tuesday’s Commons debate that "the health police" will next move to try to restrict food or alcohol.

    She added: "It is very important that until people have decision-making capability while they are growing up that we protect them, but I think the whole idea that we can protect adults from themselves is hugely problematic."

    Last week, ex-prime minister Boris Johnson called the smoking ban "absolutely nuts" during a speech at a Conservative conference in Ottawa, Canada. He said: "When the party of Winston Churchill wants to ban cigars, donnez-moi un break as they say in Quebec, it's just mad." 

    Defending the plans, Health Secretary Victoria Atkins told the House of Commons "there is no liberty in addiction." 

    What is the ban and how would it work?

    The Tobacco and Vapes Bill ensures anyone born after 1 January 2009 will be banned from ever buying cigarettes. It also aims to crack down on the sale of vapes, despite them being an effective aid to quit smoking. 

    Under the new law, each year the legal age for cigarette sales - currently 18 - will increase by one year. The law will not affect those who are allowed to buy cigarettes now.

    Conservative MPs were given a free vote on the Bill, meaning they were not ordered to vote with the Government. But full support by Labour's front bench ensured the measures passed. 

    There are still several more steps before it becomes law, such as being passed by the House of Lords. But it is possible that the Bill could become law before the general election, which is expected in the second half of 2024.

    Crackdown on vapes

    The legislation includes restrictions on the display, contents, flavours and packaging of vapes and other nicotine alternatives. There will be £100 on-the-spot fines for retailers found to be selling tobacco and vapes to underage people. 

    The proceeds will be used to reinvest in enforcement of the law. This would be on top of £2,500 fines that courts can already impose. The government says it will spend £30 million on enforcement, which will include tackling the availability of cigarettes on the black market.

    The new rules will apply in all duty free shops in the UK, but anyone buying cigarettes abroad would be able to bring them back to the UK as long as they were legally acquired elsewhere. Mr Sunak wants to work with the governments of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to introduce the legislation across the UK. 

    The Bill follows plans already in place to ban disposable vapes in England as soon as April 2025. Sunak hopes to extend this ban across the UK as well. 

    A new tax on vaping will also be introduced from October 2026.

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