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    Smoking rates flatline in EU countries not promoting nicotine alternatives

    Ali Anderson
    Ali Anderson
    August 22, 2024
    4 min
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    Smoking rates have stagnated in European Union countries where less harmful nicotine alternatives are not readily available, new data reveals.

    Research from survey site Eurobarometer shows smoking prevalence across the 27 EU Member States has fallen by only a single percentage point - from 25 per cent to 24 per cent - since 2020. 

    Global health advocacy group Smoke Free Sweden warns that if smoking levels continue on the same trajectory, the EU will fail to achieve its goal of reducing the smoking rate to less than 5 per cent by 2040.

    Less smoking in countries offering nicotine alternatives

    In stark contrast, in EU countries where nicotine alternatives like vape and pouches are promoted as safer alternatives, smoking rates have been rapidly declining. 

    In Sweden, the most recent official data shows a smoking rate of only 5.6 per cent - when this drops to under five per cent, the Scandinavian country will be officially regarded as “smoke free.” 

    One in five Swedish adults use nicotine pouches and snus, a smokeless tobacco product. Sweden also has the highest rate of smoking cessation, with more than a third (36 per cent) of respondents to a recent survey saying they used to smoke but have now stopped. 

    Less smoking means less tobacco-related deaths 

    The nation also boasts 44 per cent fewer tobacco-related deaths than the European average, a lung cancer rate 41 per cent lower, and 38 per cent fewer deaths attributable to any cancer. This year, the Swedish government implemented a 20 tax cut on snus, acknowledging that it carries significantly lower health risks compared to cigarettes.

    Smoke Free Sweden says that in the Czech Republic, where vapes are not taxed, a dramatic 24 per cent decline in smoking has been recorded.

    Meanwhile in Estonia, which has continued restrictions on vape flavours, smoking rates have increased by a whopping 40 per cent since 2020.

    EU fails to acknowledge link

    Despite these figures, Smoke Free Sweden says, most EU member states fail to acknowledge that alternative products are a successful pathway to smoking cessation with the potential to save millions of lives. 

    According to the Eurobarometer report, ‘Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and related products,’ only three per cent of Europeans use vapes, while four per cent use nicotine pouches. This, say health experts, is largely due to misinformation about the relative risks these alternatives pose compared to smoking. 

    Dr Delon Human, leader of Smoke Free Sweden, said: “It is disheartening, but not surprising, to see the EU’s inaction on tobacco harm reduction causing progress on smoking rates to flatline. 

    “As we enter a new EU mandate, the onus is now on policymakers to set aside ideology and provide smokers with alternative nicotine products. Sweden has proven that alternatives work to reduce smoking rates and save lives.”

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